I just want to take advantage for having this blog to inform you about my frequent experienced in my encounter of number 666. Before, I was so afraid when I encountered said number based on the myths that this is an evil number.
But after I come across on it, I tried to search it through books and other reading materials and at the same time searched it also using the internet, and that was the time that I realized it's just a co-incidence to encounter said number combination because of the fact that we only have 10 numbers in common.
What made me interesting for this number is the mere fact that most of the stories and controversies behind it sometimes signifies something in actuality. There were some instances that the person (based on the story) suffer from unexplained situations.
Please help me understand the circumstances and provide me enough idea on said matter. Up to this moment, I do searching and scanning for an exact answer in this mystery of my life.
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